OpenCV Custom Colormap
Colormap provided by OpenCV is limited and might suffice for most of the users but there be will senarios where the custom colormap is crucial for the intended visual representation.
Now we will see how we can create our own colormap using ‘Lookup Table’.
Creating LUT
Let’s create a function to handle RGB mappping from the dictionary.
def cvlut(colordict):
cmap = collections.OrderedDict()
cmap = colordict
crange = 0
clist = list(cmap.items())
r = []
g = []
b = []
while(crange < 256):
for i in range(len(clist)):
if i != (len(clist) - 1):
for n in range(clist[i][0], clist[i + 1][0]):
crange += 1
for n in range(clist[i][0], 256):
crange += 1
lut = np.zeros((256, 1, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
lut[:, 0, 0] = r
lut[:, 0, 1] = g
lut[:, 0, 2] = b
return lut
The above function creates LUT for specified grayscale range. You will get to know what I’m talking about as you continue to read.
Now let’s see how we can use the created function to apply colormap
colormap_dict = {0: [0, 0, 0], # grayscale: [R, G, B]
111: [220, 8, 8],
128: [237, 252, 2],
171: [8, 220, 85],
213: [0, 163, 32]}
custom_lut = cvlut(colormap_dict)
ndvi_color = cv2.LUT(input_gray_image, custom_lut)
The color applied is ‘Pseudocolor’ aka ‘False Color’ as it is mapping to grayscale image. So, the actual range is between 0-255
, upon which RGB is assigned and produce color image.
In colormap_dict
dictionary each key specifies range of grayscale to map RGB value till succesive key value. This is a rudamentary and temporary implementation to test the function. I would suggest to generate colormap file with RGB and load.
Colormap file example:
0 255 255 255
1 250 250 250
2 246 246 246
3 242 242 242
4 238 238 238
5 233 233 233
20 170 170 170
21 166 166 166
22 161 161 161
23 157 157 157
24 153 153 153
116 155 155 155
117 151 151 151
118 146 146 146
119 141 141 141
120 136 136 136
237 255 15 0
238 255 10 0
239 255 5 0
240 255 0 0
241 255 0 15
242 255 0 31
243 255 0 47
251 255 0 175
252 255 0 191
253 255 0 207
254 255 0 223
255 255 0 239
Full code
import cv2
import collections
def cvlut(colordict):
cmap = collections.OrderedDict()
cmap = colordict
crange = 0
clist = list(cmap.items())
r = []
g = []
b = []
while(crange < 256):
for i in range(len(clist)):
if i != (len(clist) - 1):
for n in range(clist[i][0], clist[i + 1][0]):
crange += 1
for n in range(clist[i][0], 256):
crange += 1
lut = np.zeros((256, 1, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
lut[:, 0, 0] = r
lut[:, 0, 1] = g
lut[:, 0, 2] = b
return lut
if __name__=="__main__":
image = cv2.imread("path_to_image")
# Convert Grascale to BGR to have proper dimension for mapping further
gray2bgr_img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
colormap_dict = {0: [0, 0, 0], # grayscale: [R, G, B]
111: [220, 8, 8],
128: [237, 252, 2],
171: [8, 220, 85],
213: [0, 163, 32]}
custom_lut = cvlut(colormap_dict)
colormap_img = cv2.LUT(gray2bgr_img, custom_lut)
cv2.imwrite('custom-color_1.jpg', colormap_img)